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Week 1 - What causes cavities? And how can I prevent them?

Our team members embody our philosophy – "Dentistry. Comfortably." We promise to provide thorough, personalized care designed to give you a beautiful smile, ensuring your well-being every step of the way!
BY Comfydent Smiles
Dr. Sonja Babic, DDS, MS

Doctor Babic, what exactly is a cavity?

A cavity is what you get from tooth decay- damage to a tooth. It CAN be prevented. However, it usually gets bigger, and intervention is needed to prevent further progress.

Dr. Sonja Babic with her patient

What are the signs and symptoms of a tooth cavity?

The symptoms of a cavity will depend on how large it is and where it is in your mouth. Small cavities most likely won’t cause any pain or symptoms. However, you may notice the following with big cavities:

  • Pain when you eat or drink sweet, hot, or cold things
  • Constant throbbing pain that wakes you up at night
  • Holes you can detect with your tongue or finger
  • Stains (black/brown/white)
  • Pain when you bite down

Children usually get cavities on the biting surface while most adults get cavities on both the biting surface and between teeth. Among elderly people, cavities on the tooth root are common because gums often shrink and because saliva production decreases. I will talk more about the relationship between saliva and cavities later.

Team member photo

What causes cavities?

News flash! In everyone’s mouth, there are bacteria that can cause cavities. You may think your mouth is a sterile environment, but everyone has the cavity-causing bacteria. Those bacteria break down food debris or sugar on the tooth surface, and they produce acids afterward (think of them as excretions). The acids are what lead to tooth decay and damage. The bacteria particularly love sugar, as sugars are their main energy source. Therefore, people who consume a lot of sugar-rich foods get a lot of acids produced by the bacteria and are susceptible to cavities.

The good news is that saliva in your mouth often protects your teeth from this damage because it is somewhat alkaline/basic and prevents food debris and sugar from sticking to your teeth. If you spend more money than what you have or make, you will become broke. If you produce more acids than what your saliva can buffer, you will get tooth decay.

Studies have shown that frequent snacking gives your teeth and saliva less time to recover from the damage caused by acids, so this is something to be mindful of.

Dental team photo

Gotcha. What should I do to lower my chance of getting cavities then?

These are what I strongly recommend you to do:

  • Brush twice a day, two minutes each time with a fluoride toothpaste (some people need extra-strength fluoride toothpastes)
  • Floss daily (I can’t stress the importance of it enough)
  • Eat a balanced diet and cut down on snacking.
  • See Dr. Babic or Dr. Tien at Comfydent Smiles for regular checkups and cleanings. 🙂

Team member photo

Doctor Babic, how do you find cavities?

I use X-Ray images to find cavities forming between teeth (Look at the image above). Biting surface cavities are found with a probing instrument that looks like a hook. If there is a sticky spot, I know there is a cavity. Most dentists recommend a dental visit every 6 months because it takes several months for a cavity to become noticeable and because it is best to address the issue when it is small.

What are my treatment options if I have a cavity or multiple cavities?

Treatment depends on how bad the cavity is. Every tooth has multiple layers. Small cavities contained within the outermost layer (or enamel) can sometimes be reversed with fluoride and improved oral hygiene.

If the cavity gets to the dentin layer, which is right underneath the enamel, then I need to take out the decayed portion of the tooth with a drill. The type of restoration to be placed after removing the decay depends on the amount of the remaining tooth structure:

  • Filling– This is my first option because it is the most conservative option. For this to make sense, there should be a lot of healthy tooth structure after removal of decay. Fillings, if too big, are susceptible to fracture. The available materials are silver alloy, gold, porcelain, or a composite resin. Each material has different physical properties and appearance. Some people have raised concerns about mercury-based fillings called amalgams, but the American Dental Association, the FDA, and other public health agencies are of the opinion that amalgams are safe.
  • Crowns– These are placed when there is not enough tooth structure for durable fillings. These work by bracing the remaining tooth structure. The available materials are gold, porcelain, porcelain-fused-metal, and zirconia.
  • Root canal therapy– A root canal is necessary when the decay advances to the pulp layer (see the images above). Think of the pulp layer as the nerve. Pulp damage usually accompanies severe pain and cause an abscess. When the pulp is damaged (or when there is a tooth nerve damage), the dentist removes the decay and the entire pulp layer in order to get you out of pain and to put medication into the space. A crown is often needed after a root canal procedure to prevent tooth fracture (any tooth becomes more brittle after a root canal).
  • Extraction– This is the last resort. A root canal is not worthwhile when there is little healthy tooth structure above the gum line.

It is my duty as a health care provider to not only treat dental cavities but also raise awareness of the public. Next week, I will talk about what causes bad breath and what you can do to be more attractive to your partner or your date. 🙂

Dr. Sonja Babic, DDS, MS

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